Domino's Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large
1,576 calories
- What is a Domino's Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large ?
- Domino's describe a Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large as:Topped with plant-based soya & wheat pepperoni and a plant-based cheese alternative on tomato sauce. 158kcal, 663kJ / large slice / plant-based Italian style crust.
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We found the Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large in 236 Domino's restaurants.
Where in the UK is the Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large Most Expensive?
This map shows the average price for all Domino's restaurants that sell the Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large in different regions of the UK between 4th March 2024 and 4th March 2025.
The darker the red, the higher the average price.
Price Comparison
How does the price of the Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large compare to other items on the Domino's menu?
Name | Average Price | Price Rank |
Domino'sPizza - Plant-Based PizzasPlant-Based American Hot - Large | £24.99 | 156 |
Domino'sPizza - Plant-Based PizzasPlant-Based Chick'n Winner - Large | £24.99 | 156 |
Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large | £24.99 | 156 |
Domino'sDealsPlant-Based Pizza Deal £24.99 | £24.99 | 156 |
Domino'sDealsTHE BIG BITE BUNDLE £24.99 | £24.99 | 156 |
The Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large is the 156th most expensive item on the Domino's menu.
How does the Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?
Name | Average Price | Price Rank |
Domino'sPizza - Plant-Based PizzasPlant-Based American Hot - Large | £24.99 | 345 |
Domino'sPizza - Plant-Based PizzasPlant-Based Chick'n Winner - Large | £24.99 | 345 |
Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large | £24.99 | 345 |
Domino'sDealsPlant-Based Pizza Deal £24.99 | £24.99 | 345 |
Domino'sDealsTHE BIG BITE BUNDLE £24.99 | £24.99 | 345 |
The Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large is the 345th most expensive item out of all the restaurants that we track.
Calorie Comparison
- How many calories are in a Domino's Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large ?
- There are 1576 calories in a Domino's Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large .
Name | Calories (kcal) | Calorie Rank |
Domino'sPizza - Your Pizza, Your WayCreate Your Own (Medium 11.5") | 1,614 | 67 |
Domino'sPizza - Speciality PizzasOriginal Cheese & Tomato (Medium 11.5") | 1,614 | 67 |
Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large | 1,576 | 69 |
Domino'sPizza - Speciality PizzasChicken Feast (Medium 11.5") | 1,565 | 70 |
Domino'sPizza - Speciality PizzasTuna Supreme (Medium 11.5") | 1,564 | 71 |
The Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large is the 69th highest calorie item on the Domino's menu.
How does the Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?
Name | Calories (kcal) | Calorie Rank |
Pizza HutLARGE PIZZASLarge Vegetable Sizzler (V) (2 Chilli) Plant Based | 1,580 | 120 |
McDonald'sWraps, Rolls & FlatbreadThe Breakfast Wrap Duo Deal (For Two) | 1,578 | 122 |
Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large | 1,576 | 123 |
Pizza HutLARGE PIZZASLarge Farmhouse | 1,574 | 124 |
Pizza HutLARGE PIZZASLarge Mushroom & Sweetcorn (V) | 1,567 | 125 |
The Plant-Based Peppy-roni - Large is the 123th highest calorie item out of all the restaurants that we track.