
Pizza Express Spicy Chicken Wings (GF)

638 calories

What is a Pizza Express Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) ?
Pizza Express describe a Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) as:
Fiery chicken wings, with a chilli seasoning, and chilli and basil dip

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We found the Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) in 78 Pizza Express restaurants.

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Where in the UK is the Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) Most Expensive?

This map shows the average price for all Pizza Express restaurants that sell the Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) in different regions of the UK between 4th March 2024 and 4th March 2025.

The darker the red, the higher the average price.

Price Comparison

How does the price of the Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) compare to other items on the Pizza Express menu?

NameAverage PricePrice Rank
Pizza ExpressSidesCalamari £8.75168
Pizza ExpressSidesLemon & Herb Chicken Wings (GF) £8.75168
Pizza ExpressSidesNEW Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) £8.75168
Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) £8.75168
Pizza ExpressSidesPollo Milanese £8.65172

The Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) is the 168th most expensive item on the Pizza Express menu.

How does the Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

NameAverage PricePrice Rank
Pizza ExpressSidesLemon & Herb Chicken Wings (GF) £8.752,958
Pizza ExpressSidesNEW Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) £8.752,958
Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) £8.752,958
PopeyesChicken ParmaBbq Parma £8.752,958
PopeyesChicken ParmaBolognese Parma £8.752,958

The Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) is the 2958th most expensive item out of all the restaurants that we track.

Calorie Comparison

How many calories are in a Pizza Express Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) ?
There are 638 calories in a Pizza Express Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) .

The Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) is the Sixth highest calorie item on the Pizza Express menu.

How does the Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

The Spicy Chicken Wings (GF) is the 653th highest calorie item out of all the restaurants that we track.

East Midlands

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Yorkshire and The Humber

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West Midlands

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South West

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South East

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Northern Ireland

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East of England

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North West

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