
Domino's Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage

713 calories

What is a Domino's Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage ?
Domino's describe a Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage as:
A portion of golden Fries topped with ‘nduja sausage, red jalapeños, cheese sauce and 100% mozzarella cheese. Served with 1 sachet of salt. 713kcal as sold. 357cal / 1494 kJ per serving. Serves 2

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We found the Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage in 11 Domino's restaurants.

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Where in the UK is the Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage Most Expensive?

This map shows the average price for all Domino's restaurants that sell the Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage in different regions of the UK between 4th March 2024 and 4th March 2025.

The darker the red, the higher the average price.

Price Comparison

How does the price of the Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage compare to other items on the Domino's menu?

NameAverage PricePrice Rank
Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage £6.74704
Domino'sDealsHot and Cold Combo for £6.99 £6.49705
Domino'sSidesLoaded Fries – Korean BBQ Chicken £6.49705
Domino'sSidesLoaded Wedges - Cheese £6.49705
Domino'sDessertsLotta-chocca Pizza £6.49705

The Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage is the 704th most expensive item on the Domino's menu.

How does the Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

NameAverage PricePrice Rank
Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage £6.744,265
McDonald'sWhat's New?Cheesy McCrispy® £6.744,265
SubwaySignature SeriesSteak Texicana (6-inch)£6.744,265
SubwayCreate your own WrapMeatball Marinara (Beef) Wrap £6.734,269

The Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage is the 4265th most expensive item out of all the restaurants that we track.

Calorie Comparison

How many calories are in a Domino's Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage ?
There are 713 calories in a Domino's Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage .
NameCalories (kcal)Calorie Rank

How does the Loaded Fries - Spicy Sausage compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

NameCalories (kcal)Calorie Rank

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