
Subway NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce

276 calories

What is a Subway NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce ?
Subway describe a NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce as:
Lightly seasoned criss-cut potatoes, with your choice of signature dip

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We found the NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce in 2 Subway restaurants.

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Where in the UK is the NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce Most Expensive?

This map shows the average price for all Subway restaurants that sell the NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce in different regions of the UK between 9th March 2024 and 9th March 2025.

The darker the red, the higher the average price.

Less than £3.75£3.75 - £3.89£3.89 - £3.89£3.89 and higherAverage Price

Price Comparison

How does the price of the NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce compare to other items on the Subway menu?

NameAverage PricePrice Rank
SubwayHot SidesWaffle Fries - large Side with Sauce £3.79429
SubwayBottled DrinksCoke Zero Cherry 1.25L £3.75431
SubwayDrinksDiet Coke 1.25L £3.75431
NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce £3.75431

The NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce is the 431th most expensive item on the Subway menu.

How does the NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

NameAverage PricePrice Rank
StarbucksWhat's New - FoodMaple & Pecan Swirl £3.757,379
SubwayDrinksCoke Zero Cherry 1.25L £3.757,379
SubwayDrinksDiet Coke 1.25L £3.757,379
NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce £3.757,379
Wendy'sChipsBeans and Chips - Lrg £3.757,379

The NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce is the 7379th most expensive item out of all the restaurants that we track.

Calorie Comparison

How many calories are in a Subway NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce ?
There are 276 calories in a Subway NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce .
NameCalories (kcal)Calorie Rank

How does the NEW Waffle Fries - large Side with Sauce compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

NameCalories (kcal)Calorie Rank


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North West

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