
Pret A Manger Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream

762 calories

What is a Pret A Manger Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream ?
Pret A Manger describe a Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream as:
A freshly baked scone with juicy sultanas. Served with Rodda's clotted cream and strawberry jam.

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We found the Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream in 26 Pret A Manger restaurants.

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Where in the UK is the Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream Most Expensive?

This map shows the average price for all Pret A Manger restaurants that sell the Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream in different regions of the UK between 27th February 2024 and 27th February 2025.

The darker the red, the higher the average price.

Price Comparison

How does the price of the Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream compare to other items on the Pret A Manger menu?

The Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream is the 352th most expensive item on the Pret A Manger menu.

How does the Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

NameAverage PricePrice Rank
PopeyesGarlic BreadGarlic Bread Tomato (10")£4.806,062
PopeyesGarlic BreadGarlic Bread (French Bread)£4.806,062
Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream £4.806,062
StarbucksSandwiches & ToastiesSweetcorn Fritter & Chimichurri Wrap £4.806,062
Wendy'sMain MealsScampi £4.806,062

The Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream is the 6062th most expensive item out of all the restaurants that we track.

Calorie Comparison

How many calories are in a Pret A Manger Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream ?
There are 762 calories in a Pret A Manger Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream .

The Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream is the Fourth highest calorie item on the Pret A Manger menu.

How does the Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream compare to other items on all our other restaurant menus?

NameCalories (kcal)Calorie Rank
Domino'sPizza - Speciality PizzasMeatilicious (Personal 7")763509
McDonald'sBurgersLarge Filet-O-Fish® Meal 762510
Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream 762510
Five GuysBurgersBacon Burger 761512
Pizza HutSidesChoc Chip Cookie Dough 760513

The Pret's Fruit Scone with jam and clotted cream is the 510th highest calorie item out of all the restaurants that we track.


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